A little bit about me…

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here, wondering who I am and (maybe) trying to decide if you’d like to work with me. In the hustle and bustle of the internet, it’s a huge honor to welcome you to my sweet site. Stay awhile, look around, and let me know if I can answer any questions about my services that you may be left with.

Let’s get on with it then!

A few years ago, I started a podcast with a beautiful friend called Vagina Chronicles Podcast. The only specific goal we had when we began was to help women move through shame, by sharing our own stories, and to empower them to use their voice. To know that their voice was worth listening to (Ironically, I was probably the most in need of this message. See below). Pretty lofty, right? Well, we did that and so much more. Truly, one of the most life-changing experiences I’ve had to-date.

It’s funny that I can say that now because I resisted starting the podcast. As an introvert, I was absolutely terrified about putting my thoughts out into the world… in my own voice. Gulp. I was skeptical that anyone would care to listen to what I had to say. The self-doubt and not-good-enough demons were pretty strong. But I felt the fear and did it anyway (Thanks, Susan Jeffers!).

And there begins my experience of learning the world of online business… and what the heck is list building, branding, sales funnels, etc.?!

In 2014, I joined Marie Forleo’s B-School in order to learn more about creating and building online businesses. I joined thousands of other women (and men) who want to live life on their own terms and express themselves with their own businesses.

While learning all of these tools and processes for my own endeavor, I realized that there are a lot of people out there who need support. And, like I said, even though I ultimately loved my time on VC Podcast (and plan on creating a new podcast soon – stay tuned, I am very excited about it!), I am an introvert to my core and I thrive in a behind-the-scenes capacity. I love supporting and encouraging people to be their best. To shine!

I love to learn and solve problems (ahem, challenges) and I am eager to please. If I don’t know something, I will find the answer with my expert Googling skills. I am a pretty darn good copywriter and I have an eerie knack for finding typos (pretty sure I just jinxed myself and you’re going to find about a million mistakes on my website now).

Let’s chat and see if we’re a good fit!
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” ~ Elizabeth Appell